LabWindows/CVI Programmer Reference Manual G-6
National Instruments Corporation
return value control A function panel control that displays a value returned from a
function as a return value rather than as a formal parameter.
ring control A function panel control that represents a range of values much like
the slide control, but displays only a single item in a list, rather than
displaying the whole list at once as the slide control does. Each item
has a different value associated with it. This value is placed in the
function call.
rvalue Any C expression that is not an lvalue. Examples of rvalues are array
names, functions, function calls such as
f(), assignment expressions
such as
x = e and cast expressions such as (AnyType)e.
SDK Windows Software Development Kit. An API in the Windows
operating system.
scroll bars Areas along the bottom and right sides of a window that show your
relative position in the file. You can use scroll bars can be used to
move about in the window.
scrollable text box A dialog box item that displays text in a scrollable display.
select To choose the item that the next executed action affects by moving
the input focus (highlight) to a particular item or area.
shortcut key command A combination of keystrokes that provide a means of executing a
command without accessing a menu in the command bar.
slide control A function panel control that resembles a physical slide switch. A
slide control is a means for selecting one item from a list of options;
it inserts a value in a function call that depends upon the position of
the cross-bar on the switch.
slider The cross-bar on the slide control that determines the value placed in
the function call.
Source window A LabWindows/CVI work area where you edit and execute
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