National Instruments Corporation G-7 LabWindows/CVI Programmer Reference Manual
Standard Input/Output
A LabWindows/CVI work area in which textual output to and input
from the user take place.
standard libraries The LabWindows/CVI User Interface, Analysis, Data Formatting
and I/O, GPIB, GPIB-488.2, DDE, TCP, RS-232, Utility, and
C system libraries.
stdcall A Windows 95/NT calling convention in which function calls pass
arguments from right to left, and the function restores the stack
pointer before it returns.
String Display window A window for viewing and editing string variables and arrays.
text box A dialog box item in which you enter text from the keyboard or
view text.
User Interface Editor window The window in which you build pull-down menus, dialog boxes,
panels, and controls and save them to a User Interface Resource
.uir) file. The LabWindows/CVI User Interface Reference Manual
describes it.
Variables window A window that shows the values of the variables that are currently
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