National Instruments Corporation I-9 LabWindows/CVI Programmer Reference Manual
Source, Interactive Execution, and
Standard Input/Output windows
Create Object File command, 3-26
Generate DLL Glue Code command,
4-8, 4-9
Generate DLL Glue Object
command, 7-17
Generate DLL Import Library
command, 3-4, 3-5
Generate DLL Import Source
command, 3-21
ordinal value for exporting functions, 4-20
pack pragma (Windows), 1-4 to 1-5, 3-6
panel state files
accessing from standalone
executables, 7-12
required for standalone executables, 7-9
pascal, Pascal, and _pascal keywords, 1-2
Pascal DLL functions, 4-8, 4-9
path files. See .pth files.
PCX files, multiplatform application
considerations, 6-3
platform-independent applications, building.
See multiplatform applications, building.
plock function, UNIX, 5-7
pointer casting, 1-14
pointer protection errors, 1-8 to 1-10
disabling for individual pointers,
1-12 to 1-13
dynamic memory protection errors, 1-11
pointer arithmetic (non-fatal), 1-8 to 1-9
pointer assignment (non-fatal), 1-9
pointer casting (non-fatal), 1-10
pointer comparison (non-fatal), 1-10
pointer dereference errors (fatal),
1-9 to 1-10
pointer subtraction (non-fatal), 1-10
DLLs passing pointers that point to other
pointers, 4-18 to 4-20
returned by DLLs, 4-15 to 4-17
disabling or enabling library protection
errors, 1-13 to 1-14
structure packing (Windows),
1-4 to 1-5, 3-6
predefined macros, 6-1
printf function
LabWindows/CVI implementation, 5-4
using with external compiler, 3-10
process segments, locking into memory using
plock(), 5-7
program entry points (Windows), 1-5
Project window, Run Options menu, 4-4
projects. See also source files.
loadable compiled modules in project list,
2-3 to 2-4
loading project files with
LoadExternalModule, 7-15 to 7-16
.pth files
loading with LoadExternalModule,
7-17 to 7-18
not supported for Windows 95/NT, 3-2
using with standalone executables, 7-9
Q387 coprocessor emulation software
(Quickware), 7-2
references, resolving. See callback references,
resolving (Windows 95/NT).
RegisterWinMsgCallback function, 4-21
Reload DLLs Before Each Run option, 4-4
resolving references. See callback references,
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