Appendix A Errors and Warnings
LabWindows/CVI Programmer Reference Manual A-32
National Instruments Corporation
Pack pragma valid values
are 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16.
pack pragma alignment value parameter
must be
1, 2, 4, 8, or 16.
Parameter type
incompatible with format
Run-time Error
Parameter type is not compatible with the
type that the format string expects.
An argument is either missing or of the
wrong type.
Parameter type mismatch:
expecting TYPE but
found TYPE.
Run-time Error
Parameter type does not match the type that
the format string expects. The arguments
might not be in the right order, or an
argument might be missing.
Pointer arithmetic
involving invalid
Run-time Error
Pointer arithmetic expression is invalid
because one of the subexpressions contains
an invalid pointer.
Pointer arithmetic
involving null pointer.
Run-time Error
Pointer arithmetic expression is invalid
because one of the subexpressions contains
the value
Pointer arithmetic
involving pointer to
freed memory.
Run-time Error
Pointer arithmetic expression is invalid
because one of the subexpressions contains a
pointer to dynamic memory that you
deallocated with the
free function. Once
memory is free, all pointers into that block of
memory are invalid.
Pointer arithmetic
involving pointer to
Run-time Error
Pointer arithmetic expression is invalid
because one of the subexpressions is a
function pointer.
Pointer arithmetic
involving uninitialized
Run-time Error
Pointer arithmetic expression is invalid
because one of the subexpressions contains
an uninitialized pointer. It is probably an
uninitialized local variable.
Pointer comparison
involving address of
nonarray object.
Run-time Error
One of the pointer expressions in the
comparison is invalid because it does not
point into an array. Both expressions in
pointer comparisons must point into the
same object.
Table A-1.
Error Messages (Continued)
Error Message Type Error Comment
00ProRef.book : 07AppA.fm Page 32 Monday, March 9, 1998 3:23 PM