National Instruments Corporation I-1 LabWindows/CVI Programmer Reference Manual
Special Characters/Numbers
#line preprocessor directive, 1-2
_cdecl calling convention qualifier, 1-2
__cdecl calling convention qualifier, 1-2
__declspec(dllexport) qualifier, 1-3, 3-22
__declspec(dllimport) qualifier, 1-3
_export qualifier, 1-3
__export qualifier, 1-3, 3-22
_import qualifier, 1-3
__import qualifier, 1-3
_NI_mswin_ macro, 6-1
_NI_mswin16_ macro, 6-1
_NI_mswin32_ macro, 6-1
_NI_sparc_ macro, 6-1
_NI_unix_ macro, 6-1
_stdcall calling convention qualifier, 1-2
__stdcall calling convention qualifier
creating static libraries (note), 3-25
creating static objects (note), 3-26
declaring functions for export, 3-21 to 3-22
purpose and use, 1-3
16-bit source code, converting to 32-bit source
code, 1-6to1-7
16-bit Windows DLLs. See Windows
16-bit DLLs.
32-bit Borland or Symantec compiled modules
under Windows, 4-2 to 4-3
32-bit source code
converting 16-bit source code to 32-bit
source code, 1-6 to 1-7
DLL calling directly back into 32-bit code,
4-12 to 4-15
32-bit Watcom compiled modules under
Windows 3.1, 4-1 to 4-2
32-bit Windows DLLs. See Windows
32-bit DLLs.
.a files, using with standalone executables, 7-9
ActiveX Automation Library, 9-6
Add Files to DLL button, 7-15
Add Files to Executable button, 7-15
Advanced Analysis Library, 9-3
Analysis Library, 9-3
ANSI C Library
include files, for Windows 95/NT, 3-10
status reporting by, 9-7
Sun Solaris libraries
incompatibilities with
LabWindows/CVI, 5-10 to 5-11
non-ANSI behavior, 5-4
Solaris 1 implementation, 5-8 to 5-9
static and shared versions, 5-3
ANSI C specifications
multiplatform application portability, 6-2
non-ANSI LabWindows/CVI compiler
keywords, 1-2
using low-level I/O functions, 1-5
array indexing errors. See pointer protection
array passing in glue code, 4-9 to 4-11
asynchronous callbacks, compiled modules
using, 2-7
asynchronous DLL functions, 4-11 to 4-12
asynchronous signal handling, UNIX, 5-7 to 5-8
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