Setting the Clip Planes
You use the following fields to set the distance to the near and far clip planes:
void setNearClip(csFloat nearClip);
void setFarClip(csFloat farClip);
There is a corresponding get...() field for each set...() field.
Setting the Fields of View
You use the following fields to set the horizontal and vertical fields of view (FOV) of the
frustum. The arguments are the angles, in degrees, of the fields of view.
void setHorizFOV(csFloat horizFOV);
void setVertFOV(csFloat vertFOV);
There is a corresponding get...() field for each set...() field.
Offsetting the Fields of View
By default, the fields of view are centered around the –Z axis. csPerspCamera, however,
enables you to offset the fields of view both horizontally and vertically, as shown in
Figure 9-5.