Cosmo 3D-Derived csGeoSet Objects
Using csLineSet
A csLineSet object contains a collection of lines of equal length. The fields allow you to
set and return the width of the lines used for drawing.
void setWidth(csFloat width);
csFloat getWidth();
Using csIndexedLineSet
A csIndexedLineSet object contains an indexed collection of lines of equal length. The
fields allow you to set and return the colors of the lines in the collection.
csMFInt* coordIndex() const;
csMFInt* colorIndex() const;
void setColorPerVertex(csBool colorPerVertex);
csBool getColorPerVertex();
Using csLineStripSet
A csLineStripSet object contains a collection of linestrips, otherwise known as polylines,
of equal width. Line width is specified in pixels.
csLineStripSet contains the following fields:
csMFInt* stripLength () const
void setWidth(csFloat width);
csFloat getWidth();
TheStripLength() method allows you to specify and find out, respectively, how many
line segments are in a csLineStripSet object.
The setWidth() and getWidth() methods allow you to specify and find out, respectively,
the width, in pixels, of each linestrip in a csLineStripSet object.
Using csTriSet
A csTriSet object contains a collection of triangles. This class serves as a class from which
csTriFanSet and csTriStripSet are derived.