Scope of csTouchSensor
A csTouchSensor monitors all geometries in the scene graph “below” the parent node of
the csTouchSensor. Not only does it monitor the children of csTouchSensor’s parent
node, it also monitors all the descendants of the children.
csTouchSensor Output
csTouchSensor generates up to five of the following events, each with their own
• isOver
• hitPoint
• hitNormal
• hitTexCoord
• touchTime
isOver Event
isOver returns a boolean value indicating whether the pointing device is over a geometry
associated with a csTouchSensor. csTouchSensor generates the isOver event when the
isOver state has just changed.
The isOver state changes whenever the pointer device cursor first passes over geometry
associated with a csTouchSensor or whenever the pointer device first passes off of the
geometry it was previously over. The isOver event is not generated constantly while the
pointer device is over a geometry.
When the pointer device cursor is over an associated geometry, the following method
evaluates TRUE: