Cosmo 3D-Derived csGeoSet Objects
csTriStripSet contains the following field:
csMFInt* stripLength() const;
This field allows you to specify and find out how long each triangle strip is in a
csTriStripSet object. The length is expressed in the number of vertices per strip, for
example, three tristrips with individual lengths of 4, 6, and 8, would be represented by
an array of three integers:
csMFInt* length = [4, 6, 8];
Using csPolySet
A csPolySet object contains a collection of polygons. Polygons may have different
numbers of sides but must be convex and coplanar.
csPolySet contains the following methods:
csMFInt* polyLength () const;
This field allows you to specify and find out how many sides there are per polygon in a
csPolySet object.
Using csQuadSet
A csQuadSet object contains a collection of quadrilaterals.
Using csIndexedFaceSet
A csIndexedFaceSet object contains a collection of polyhedrons of equal size. The
member functions allow you to set and return the size of the polyhedrons in the
csMFInt* coordIndex() const;
csMFInt* colorIndex() const;
csMFInt* normalIndex() const;
csMFInt* texCoordIndex() const;
void setCCW(csBool ccw);
void setSolid(csBool solid);
void setConvex(csBool convex);