Chapter 4: Scene Graph Nodes
What Is a Node
A node is a collection of one or more fields and methods. Each field is a C++ class with
data members and methods that get and set those member values. The fields set a variety
of parameters. For example, some of the fields in the csGeoSet are summarized in
Table 4-1.
Each node supplies default values for each of its fields.
Node Types
There are two types of nodes:
• Group—associates nodes into hierarchies.
• Leaf—sets the visual and audio values for a scene.
The following sections describe these node types.
Table 4-1 Examples of Fields in Nodes
Fields Description
SFRef COORDS Is a csCoordSet containing vertex coordinates.
SFRef NORMALS Is a csNormalSet containing normals for a geometry.
SFRef COLORS Is a csColorSet containing colors for a geometry.
SFRef TEX_COORDS Is a csTexCoord containing texture coordinates for a
SFRef COORD_INDICES Is a csIndexSet providing indices into a csCoordSet.
SFRef NORMAL_INDICES Is a csIndexSet providing indices into a csNormalSet.
SFRef COLOR_INDICES Is a csIndexSet providing indices into a csColorSet.
SFRef TEX_COORD_INDICES Is a csIndexSet providing indices into a csTexCoordSet.
SFEnum CULL_FACE Specifies whether to cull back-facing polygons,
front-facing polygons, or no polygons.