Chapter 2: Creating Geometries
void setCreaseAngle(csFloat creaseAngle);
void setColorPerVertex(csBool colorPerVertex);
void setNormalPerVertex(csBool normalPerVertex);
There is a corresponding get...() method for every set...() statement.
The first four fields contain arrays for storing the color.
setCCW() is true if the vertices of these faces wind counter-clockwise when viewed from
the front.
setSolid() is true if this set of faces forms a closed volume (“solid”); in that case, faces on
the side of the solid facing away from the viewpoint don’t need to be drawn.
setConvex() is true if the faces in this set are convex. (Currently ignored.)
setCreaseAngle() sets the crease angle. If the angle between two faces is more than the
crease angle, the faces are assumed to be part of a single surface and are smooth shaded.
(Currently ignored.)
coordIndex() sets a VRML 2.0-style vertex coordinate index set.
colorIndex() sets a VRML 2.0-style color index set.
texCoordIndex() sets a VRML 2.0-style texture coordinate index set.
normalIndex() sets a VRML 2.0-style normal index set.
setColorPerVertex() is true if colors are assigned per vertex, otherwise per face.
setNormalPerVertex() is true if normals are assigned per vertex, otherwise per face.