Engines That Change Shapes
csSelectorEng3F and csSelectorEng4F
csSelectorEng3F and csSelectorEng4F sets the output value to the nth item in the input
array where n is the value of selector.
csMFVec3F input[];
csSFVec3F value;
csMFVec4F input[];
csSFVec4F value;
These classes are derived from the abstract, base class csSelectorEng, which provides the
following methods for setting the selector:
void setSelector (int selector);
Engines That Change Shapes
The following engines generally use as input the output of one of the interpolator
engines for the purpose of changing some feature of a csGeoSet.
csMorphEng is an abstract class derived from csEngine that morphs a set of attributes
from one setting to another, such as you might expect when one value incrementally
changes to another. The output of this engine is a weighted sum of attributes, such as a
set of coordinates. Any number of variably-sized attribute sets, however, can be packed
into the single input field.
The input and output data are held in different vector arrays, such as a csMFVec3f,
according to the dimensions of the attribute data.
csMorphEng is an abstract class. Subclasses in Cosmo 3D include csMorphEng3f and
csMorphEng4f. The only difference between the classes is the number of attributes