2000-A2-GB20-10 - 111 - February 2004
5. Continue with other configuration tasks, or press Escape to return to
the Main menu.
6. Reset the IAD (page 14) when you finish IP filtering configuration.
Globally Enabling and Disabling Filters
Use these commands to enable and disable the input and output filters for
all installed interfaces. You must globally enable the filters for the
associated filtering to function properly.
To enable or disable the input and output filters, follow these steps:
1. On the IP Filtering Configuration menu, type F to select Globally
enable / disable input or output filters.
2. The IAD displays the status of input filters, and a prompt:
Input Filters (Disabled), enter 1 to enable, 0 to
Type 1 to enable input filers, or type 0 to disable them.
3. The IAD enables or disables input filters, and displays the status of the
output filters, with another prompt:
Output Filters (Disabled), enter 1 to enable, 0 to
Type 1 to enable output filers, or type 0 to disable them.
4. The IAD saves the changes and displays the IP FIltering Configuration
5. Continue with other configuration tasks, or press Escape to return to
the Router Configuration menu.
6. Reset the IAD (page 14) when you finish IP filter configuration.
Toggling Between Input and Output Filters
To switch between input and output filter types when using most
commands, type T. To toggle between input and output, enter the
command again.
Displaying Filters
To display a list of filters and details, first select the input or output filters
using the Toggle command. Then, type D to display the filters and details,
as shown in this sample:
T1/E1 Output Filters: Enabled
num state action srcLwP srcHiP src.ip.add.low src.ip.add.hi QoS
proto mask dstLwP dstHiP dst.ip.add.low dst.ip.add.hi Level
0 Idle Pass 0 65535 5
TCP 0H 0 65535 0
The filter type that is the current focus of commands is
displayed directly below the banner on the IP Filtering
Configuration menu (page 110). This message alerts you that
you are currently working with the input or output filters.