2000-A2-GB20-10 - 179 - February 2004
NAT Local
When NAT is enabled, you can display the entries in the local server table.
To display the table, type O on the NAT Configuration menu.
Entry Local IP Address Local Port Internet Port Protocol
1 2 3 TCP
Press any key to return to the NAT Configuration menu.
NAT Alias
When NAT is enabled, you can display the entries in the NAT alias table.
To display the table, type E on the NAT Configuration menu. Press any key
to return to the NAT Configuration menu.
Deleting IP
from NAT
To delete an entry from the NAT Tables:
1. Type X on the NAT Configuration menu.
2. The IAD prompts for the IP address.
Type the IP address to delete and press Enter.
3. The IAD updates the table, and displays the NAT Configuration menu.
Table 11–5.NAT Local Server Table Report
Report Entry Description
Entry Table entry number
Local IP Address IP address in use
Local Port local port number
Internet Port Internet port number
Protocol The protocol used—TCP or UDP
Table 11–6.NAT Alias Table
Report Entry Description
Entry number Table entry number (1 to 7)
Local IP Address Local, or LAN IP address
Internet IP Address Internet IP address assigned