2000-A2-GB20-10 - 178 - February 2004
If the connection is not open, the IAD advises you. Press any key to return
to the NAT Configuration menu.
Table 11–4.NAT Connection Details
Report Entry Description
Foreign IP IP address of the foreign device
Local IP IP address of the local (LAN) device
Outside port Port number assigned by NAT which is
translated by NAT to/from the local port.
Inside port Port number of the local (LAN) device;
zero if ICMP protocol
Foreign port Port number of the foreign device; zero if
ICMP protocol
Outgoing packets/# bytes Packets sent from the local device to the
foreign device.
Incoming packets/# bytes packets sent from the foreign device to
the local device.
Type TCP or UDP
Seconds since use Idle time in seconds for the connection
TCP/UDP Sequence TCP sequence number
Ack TCP ack number
State TCP state number (TCP only)
Retrys: local, foreign: local—TCP retransmissions from local
device to foreign device.
foreign—TCP retransmissions from
foreign device to local device.
Bad checksum: local, foreign local—packets with bad TCP checksums
from local device.
foreign—packets with bad TCP
checksums from foreign device.