2000-A2-GB20-10 - 194 - February 2004
For detailed information about each report in the Network Statistics menu,
or to clear network statistics, proceed to the appropriate section:
ARP Statistics Report (Table 12–8, following)
Interface Statistics Report (Table 12–9 on page 195)
Bridge Statistics Report (Table 12–10 on page 197)
DLCI Statistics Report (Table 12–10 on page 197)
ATM PVC Statistics Report (Table 12–11 on page 199)
Clearing Interface Statistics (Clearing Network Statistics on page 192).
ARP Statistics Report
To display the ARP Statistics report, type A on the Interface Statistics
menu. The ARP Statistics report displays details about ARP (Address
Resolution Protocol) packets sent and received.
When viewing Network Statistics reports, press the space bar
to display the next page. When you’re done viewing, press
any key to display the report, or press Escape to return to the
Interface Statistics menu.
Table 12–8. ARP Statistics Report
Parameter Description
Received Packet Information
packets received Total ARP packets received.
discarded for lack of
Discarded received packets due to lack of
resources: kernel memory, packet buffers, etc.
discarded due to internal
Discarded received packets due to internal software
discarded for other
Discarded received packets due to other reasons:
- Value of Hardware Field in ARP header is not
corresponding to Ethernet.
- Value of Protocol Type Field in ARP header is not
corresponding to IP
- Value of Hardware Length in ARP header is not
the size of the MAC address (6 bytes)
- Value of Protocol Type Length Field in ARP
header is not the size of the IP address (4 bytes)
- Value of Operation Code Field in ARP header is
not ARP Request and ARP Response.
- The ARP IP address is not a local IP address
located on the IAD
Sent Packet Information
packets sent Total ARP packets sent.
discarded for lack of
Discarded transmitted packets due to lack of
resources: kernel memory or packet buffers.
discarded due to internal
Discarded transmitted packets due to internal
software errors.
with illegal type or code Discarded transmitted packets due to the type of
the code are incorrect. (Not Being Used)
Reply and Request Messages
valid requests rcvd No. of valid ARP Request message received.