2000-A2-GB20-10 - 189 - February 2004
PIM Statistics Report
To display the PIM Statistics report, type P on the Network Statistics menu.
The PIM Statistics report displays detailed information about PIM (Protocol
Independent Multicast) packets sent and received.
- with zero TTL Value of TTL in the IP header reaches zero.
fragments received Value of Fragment field in the IP header is on.
fragmented packets
No. of reassembled fragmented packets.
fragments discarded No. of discarded fragmented packets.
Sent Packet Information
packets sent Total IP packet sent.
discarded for lack of
Total transmitted IP packet discarded due to lack of
resources: kernel memory, packet buffer, etc.
discarded due to internal
Total transmitted IP packet being discard due to
internal errors.
destinations found
Destination IP address could not be reached for
outgoing packet.
fragments sent Total fragmented sent.
packets fragmented Total outgoing IP packet being fragmented.
fragmentation failures Total fragmentation failures for outgoing IP packets.
Table 12–5. PIM Statistics Report
Parameter Description
Received Packet Information
packets received Total PIM packets received.
discarded for lack of
Discarded received packets due to resources, such
as kernel memory or packet buffers.
discarded due to internal
Discarded received packets due to internal software
discarded for other
- unrecognized codes
- bad checksums
- packets smaller than
Discarded received packets due to:
Packet header codes could not be recognized.
Bad packet header checksums
Packet header size is bigger than packet buffer size
Sent Packet Information
packets sent Total PIM packets sent.
discarded for lack of
Discarded transmitted packets due to lack of
resources: kernel memory, packet buffers, etc.
discarded due to internal
Discarded transmitted packets due to internal
software errors.
with illegal type or code Discarded transmitted packets due to internal
Table 12–4. IP Statistics Report
Parameter Description