2000-A2-GB20-10 - 173 - February 2004
Updating NAT Local Server entry 1, Translated IP
Translated Port 32 is accessible as Standard Port 32
Translated Port 33 is accessible as Standard Port 33
Translated Port 34 is accessible as Standard Port 34
Translated Port 35 is accessible as Standard Port 35
11. The IAD saves the NAT configuration and displays the NAT
Configuration menu. Continue with other NAT configuration tasks, or
press Escape to return to the Main menu.
12. Reset the IAD (page 14) when you finish configuring NAT.
Under normal circumstances, the timeout default setting is adequate.
However, if users interact with products including multiple-player IP games
or video conferencing, you may need to configure the timeout.
The local server protocol you select determines which timeout to
configure. TDP and UDP are similar, except that TCP tracks TCP clients
on a per-connection basis and removes them from the table as soon as
the connection closes.
To configure a NAT timeout:
1. On the NAT Configuration menu (page 170), type T to select TCP
connections, or type U to select UDP connections.
2. The IAD displays a TCP or UPD prompt.
Type the timeout value and press Enter.
3. The IAD displays the NAT Configuration menu.
4. Continue with other NAT configuration tasks, or press Escape to return
to the Main menu.
5. Reset the IAD (page 14) when you finish configuring NAT.