2000-A2-GB20-10 - 184 - February 2004
The Network Statistics menu contains commands to display statistical
information about the packets handled by the IP routing engine, and to
clear network statistics for specific protocols.
Type N on the Reports menu to display the Network Statistics menu:
HDB3 coding enabled | disabled
Payload Scrambling enabled | disabled
Port #
Sa4 Bit set | cleared
Sa5 Bit set | cleared
Sa6 Bit set | cleared
Sa7 Bit set | cleared
Sa8 Bit set | cleared
Rcv Clk Source Internal | External
PPP Auth Type (WAN port) None | PAP Client | PAP Server | CHAP Client |
CHAP Server
Userid PAP User ID
Password PPP password
Peer Name PPP peer name
DLCI—Frame Relay Only RAW (No Encapsulation) | Proprietary Voice
DLCI | RFC 1490 | ATM RFC 1483 (Tunneling)
VPI/VCI—ATM Only AAL5 (None) | AAL0 (None) | Proprietary Voice
| RFC 1483 (using VC Muxing) | RFC 1483
(with LLC Encapsulation) | RFC 2364
(PPPoATM with LLC Encapsulation) | RFC
2364 (PPPoATM using VC Muxing) | AAL1/
MTU maximum transmission unit per port
IP Interfaces on Port #
ID host ID
IPAddr IP Addresses for the ID (maximum = 8)
IPMask no. of bits reserved for host ID (max. 8)
Priority NORMAL | HIGH
Ethernet address Ethernet address (Ethernet)
Full duplex Enabled | Disabled (Ethernet)
Table 12–1. Current Configuration Report
Parameter Description