
Chapter 4 - Setting Up Conferences
Video Format
For the H.263 protocol, you can select additional
options. 4CIF, VGA, SVGA, XGA and NTSC
options are important for displaying content when
selecting the H.239/People+Content Dual Stream
mode. Typically, the People resolution is CIF of up
to 30 fps, while the Content resolution is VGA,
4CIF - Resolution: 576 pixels per line. Data rate
up to 30 frames per second. 4CIF is enabled in
the system.cfg file and requires the installation
of the Video+ card in the MCU.
Available in Video Switching conferences when
the following conditions are met:
The endpoint can receive 4CIF.
The conference line rate is set to 512 Kbps
or higher. The minimum line rate for 4CIF
selection is defined in the system.cfg file.
The appropriate layout is selected for the
conference: layout is 1x1 (full screen) and
the video input stream is 4CIF, or is 2x2 or
VGA (Video Graphics Array)
Resolution: 640 x 480 pixels
SVGA (Super Video Graphics Array)
Resolution: 800 x 600 pixels
XGA (eXtended Graphics Array)
Resolution: 1024 x 768 pixels
NTSC (National Television Standards
Committee). 525 lines per frame, up to 16
million colors.
Note: When a video format is selected, its frame
rate is displayed and, for H.263 formats, the
annexes are enabled.
Table 4-7: Conference Properties Advanced Settings - Media (Continued)
Field/Option Description