
Chapter 5 - Monitoring Conferences
Secure Conference Mode
Enabling the Secure mode locks the conference and prevents participants and
operators, from joining the conference. A secure conference cannot be
monitored or controlled in any way. While a conference is in the Secure
mode, the operator cannot view the participants list or any other conference
properties, but can manually terminate it.
The conference chairperson can enable or disable the Secure mode from the
DTMF input device (touch-tone telephone or the endpoint’s remote control),
using the appropriate DTMF code (the default code is #70). During the secure
conference, the chairperson and participants can perform various operations,
such as voting and Q&A sessions, via their DTMF input device using the
appropriate DTMF codes. However, because secure conferences cannot be
monitored, these operations or status changes are not displayed in the MGC
Manager Monitor pane. A special icon is used to indicate that the conference
is in Secure mode.