
Chapter 2 - MGC Manager Overview
Conferencing Capabilities and Options
Conference Reservations Features
MGC Manager provides the following options:
Conferences can be reserved and scheduled ahead of time (Reservations)
or set up to start immediately (On Going Conferences)
Conference resources are defined and reserved during conference setup
Recurrent conferences can be scheduled in advance (a reservation can
include recurrent conferences)
The central reservations database is easily accessed
MGC Manager displays all the defined reservations for multiple MCUs
Reservation-less features: Ad Hoc conferencing and Meeting Rooms
Conference Setup Features
The following options are available when setting up conferences:
Dial-in for undefined participants
Dial-in with automatic line rate detection for defined participants
Meet Me per Conference
Meeting Rooms
Dial-out (manual or automatic)
Automatic line rate detection for undefined dial-out participants
On-demand conferencing
Entry Queue access (using one dial-in number for all conferences)
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) software module for moderated
conference access
Greet and Guide with manual or automatic guidance to conferences