
Chapter 5 - Monitoring Conferences
Participant’s Audio Status
Table 5-4 lists icons that indicate the current audio status of the participant.
Table 5-4: Participant Audio Status Icons
Icon Description
The audio channel of the participant is connected.
The audio channel is disconnected.
This participant is the current conference speaker.
This participant is the conference’s Exclusive Speaker; in this
mode, all other participants are automatically muted.
Transmission of audio from the conference to the participant is
blocked (video only conferences).
The audio channel of the participant is muted by the participant
(from the endpoint).
The audio channel of the participant is muted by the participant
and by the MCU.
The audio channel of the participant is muted by the participant.
Audio transmission from the conference to the participant site is
blocked (video only conferences).
The audio channel of the participant is muted by the operator.
The audio channel of the participant is muted by the operator.
Audio transmission from the conference to the participant site is
blocked (video only conferences).
The audio channel of the participant is muted by the participant
and the operator.