Chapter 6 - Operations Performed During On Going Conferences
2. Click the Connection Info2 tab.
The Participant Properties - Connection Info2 dialog box opens.
3. In the Mute (By Operator) box, select the Audio check box to mute the
audio signal, and/or select the Video check box to mute the video signal.
A check mark appears in the selected check box.
4. Click OK.
The dialog box closes. The icon for muted Audio or Video appears in the
Monitor and Status panes of the main MGC Manager window. The
muting takes effect immediately.
To unmute a participant using the Participant Properties dialog box:
1. In the Monitor pane or the Status pane, right-click the participant icon,
and then click Properties.
The Participant Properties dialog box opens.
2. Click the Connection Info2 tab.
The Participant Properties - Connection Info2 dialog box opens.
3. In the Mute (By Operator) box, clear the Audio check box to unmute the
audio signal, and/or clear the Video check box to unmute video signal.