
Chapter 9 - Conference Reservations
There is no
Reservation template
containing a
conference with the
properties needed for
this conference
If the conference is to start immediately, you can
define an On Going Conference. For more
details,see Chapter 4, “Defining On Going
Conferences”. Alternatively, define a conference
Reservation in which the current date and time are
selected as the conference start date and time. For
more details, see “Defining a New Reservation” on
page 9-3.
Define a new Reservation directly. For more details,
see “Defining a New Reservation” on page 9-3.
Define a new Reservation template either in the
Database or in a Reservation Template file and use
this reservation template to start a new On Going
Conference or schedule a reservation. For
instructions on setting up a Reservation template in
the database, see the MGC Manager User’s Guide,
Volume II, Chapter 7, “Defining a Reservation
Template in the Database”. For instructions on
setting up a Reservation template in a Reservation
Template file, see the MGC Manager User’s Guide,
Volume II, Chapter 8, “Creating a new Reservation
Template file”.
Table 9-1: Factors in Deciding Conference Reservation Methods (Continued)
For these conditions Do this