MGC Manager User’s Guide - Volume I
MGC Manager User’s Guide - VoicePlus Edition
Chapter 1 - Overview
Provides a general description of the MGC unit’s main audio features, system
requirements and prerequisites.
Chapter 2 - Defining Standard Audio Only Conferences and
Includes step-by-step instructions for setting up On Going Audio Only
Conferences and Reservations, and for defining Audio Only participants.
Chapter 3 - Monitoring Audio Only Conferences
Describes the information provided by the MGC Manager when monitoring
an On Going Audio Only conference.
Chapter 4 - Operations Performed During On Going Conferences
Describes the operations that can be performed during an On Going Audio
Only conference.
Chapter 5 - Meeting Rooms and Entry Queues
Includes step-by-step instructions for setting up Audio Only Meeting Rooms
and Entry Queues.
Chapter 6 - IVR and Entry Queue Services
Provides a general description of IVR and Entry Queue Service usage.
Includes step-by-step instructions for defining new IVR and Entry Queue
Services, downloading the voice message files to the Audio+ card and
printing the DTMF codes defined in the IVR Message Service.
Chapter 7 - Attended Conferencing
Describes Operator conferences and Attended Participant Management.
Chapter 8 - Recording
Describes how to record using the ReadiRecorder and the Prairie Systems