3.0 Registers
3.1 Conventions
Single-Chip 2B1Q Transceiver
zero_output Zero Output—Read/write control bit which, when set, zeros the echo replica before subtrac-
tion from the input signal. Achieves the affect of disabling or bypassing the echo cancellation
function. Does not disable coefficient adaptation. When cleared, normal echo Canceller opera-
tion is performed.
adapt_gain[1,0] Adaptation Gain—Read/write binary field which specifies the adaptation gain.
3.2.10 0x09—Nonlinear Echo Canceller Modes Register (nonlinear_ec_modes)
negate_symbol Negate Symbol—Read/write control bit which, when set, inverts (2’s complement) the receive
signal path at the output of the nonlinear echo canceller. When cleared, the signal path is unaf-
fected. This function is independent of all other NEC mode settings.
symbol_delay[2:0] Symbol Delay—Read/write binary field which specifies the number of symbol delays inserted
in the transmit symbol input path.
adapt_coefficients Adapt Coefficients—Same function as LEC Modes Register [linear_ec_modes; 0x08].
zero_coefficients Zero Coefficients—Same function as LEC Modes Register.
zero_output Zero Output—Same function as LEC Modes Register.
adapt_gain Adaptation Gain—Read/write control bit which specifies the adaptation gain. When set, the
adaptation gain is eight times higher than when cleared.
adapt_gain[1,0] Normalized Gain
00 1
01 4
10 64
11 512
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
negate_symbol symbol_delay[2] symbol_delay[1] symbol_delay[0]
zero_coefficients zero_output adapt_gain