Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 143
Resid Under Run (Residual Under Run)
1 The number of bytes transferred was less than the DL of the FCP CMND by the byte count in the Residual Count
field, bytes 12–15.
Response Information
Format is shown in Table 86. The response information codes supported are:
Value Definition
00 Task Management function Complete or No Failure
01 FCP DATA length different than Burst Length
02 FCP CMND fields invalid
03 RO in the data frame header mismatch with FCP XFER RDY DATA RO
04 Task Management Function not supported
05 Task Management Function failed
*Fibre Channel frame byte number shown in parenthesis.
RSP Length Valid (Response Length Valid)
1 Additional FCP response information is included in the payload. The length is given in the Length of Response Infor-
mation field, bytes 20–23.
SCSI Extended Sense Information
Additional information related to a Check Condition returned in the SCSI Status byte. See Table 87 on page 145.
SCSI Status
The ending (returned) status for FCP CMND operations with a valid CDB field.
00h Good. This status indicates that the target has successfully completed the command.
02h Check Condition. Any error, exception, or abnormal condition that causes sense data to be sent, causes a
Check Condition status. The extended sense data the drive has regarding the nature of the condition will be in
the SCSI Sense Information in the FCP RSP frame with the Check Condition.
08h Busy. The drive is busy. This status is returned whenever a drive is unable to process the command from an oth-
erwise acceptable initiator. The normal initiator recovery action is to issue the command again at a later time.
10h Intermediate. This status is returned for every command in a series of linked commands (except the last com-
mand), unless an error, exception or abnormal condition causes a Check Condition status, a Reservation Con-
flict status or a Command Terminated status to be set. If this status is not returned, the chain of linked
commands is broken; no further commands in the series are executed.
18h Reservation Conflict. This status is returned whenever a SCSI device attempts to access a logical unit or an
extent within a logical unit that is reserved with a conflicting reservation type for another SCSI device (see
Reserve and Reserve Unit command). The normal initiator recovery action is to issue the command again at a
later time.
Table 86: Response Information format
0 (24)
2 (26)
Response Information Code
4 (28)
7 (31)
Reserved (optional)