376 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D
Jitter, deterministic (DJ)
Timing distortions caused by normal circuit effects in the transmission system. Deterministic jitter is often sub-
divided into duty cycle distortion (DCD) caused by propagation differences between the two transitions of a sig-
nal and data dependent jitter (DDJ) caused by the interaction of the limited bandwidth of the transmission
system components and the symbol sequence.
Jitter, random (RJ)
Jitter due to thermal noise which may be modeled as a Gaussian process. The peak-to-peak value of RJ is of
a probabilistic nature and thus any specified value yields an associated BER.
Join Alias Group.
An N_Port or F_Port that contains Arbitrated Loop functions associated with Arbitrated Loop topology.
Link Application Reject.
Local Area Network.
laser chirp
A phenomenon in lasers where the wavelength of the emitted light changes during modulation.
Link Control Facility.
Link Credit Reset.
light emitting diode.
3. A document artifice used to group related architectural functions. No specific correspondence is intended
between levels and actual implementations.
4. a specific value of voltage (e.g., voltage level).
1. Two unidirectional fibres transmitting in opposite directions and their associated transmitters and receivers.
2. The full-duplex FC-0 level association between FC-1 entities in directly attached Ports (see Port).
A link hardware facility which attaches to an end of a link and manages transmission and reception of data. It is
contained within each N_Port and F_Port.
Logical Link Control.