Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 389
Task attribute
The queuing specification for a task (Simple, Ordered, Head of Queue, ACA).
Task identifier
The information uniquely identifying a task.
Task management function
A peer-to-peer confirmed service provided by a task manager that can be invoked by an application client to
affect the execution of one or more tasks.
Twisted pair.
Test process login status.
A transmitter and receiver combined in one package.
Transmission character
Any encoded character (valid or invalid) transmitted across a physical interface specified by FC-0. Valid trans-
mission characters are specified by the transmission code and include data and special characters.
Transmission code
A means of encoding data to enhance its transmission characteristics. The transmission code specified by FC-
PH is byte-oriented, with:
1. Valid data bytes; and
2. Special codes encoded into 10-bit transmission characters.
Transmission word
A string of four contiguous transmission characters occurring on boundaries that are zero modulo 4 from a pre-
viously received or transmitted special character.
1. The portion of a Link_Control_Facility dedicated to converting valid data bytes and special codes into
transmission characters using the rules specified by the transmission code, converting these transmission
characters into a bit stream, and transmitting this bit stream onto the transmission medium (optical or elec-
2. An electronic circuit (Tx) that converts an electrical logic signal to a signal suitable for the communications
media (optical or electrical).
Data structure type.
Unit interval == 1 bit period.