Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 69
Common Features
This is a bit significant field which indicates the options that are supported by the drive. Below is a list of the features. The
drive returns an LS_RJT to FLOGI ACC for requests that do not satisfy the drive’s requirements.
Highest ANSI FC-PH Version and Lowest ANSI FC-PH Version
The highest and lowest version of the ANSI Fibre Channel Physical and Signaling standards supported by Public loop
drives is FC-PH-3 Rev. 9.4
A version level of 20h is defined for FC-PH-3 Rev. 9.4.
Receive Data Field Size
The drive sends a receive buffer size of 2112 bytes.
Table 35: Common Features bits
Support (FLOGI) Requirement (FLOGI ACC)
Continuously Increasing Offset 1 Must = 1
Random Relative Offset 0 Not checked
Valid Vendor Version 0 Not checked
F_Port (Fabric Port) 0 Must = 1
Alternate Credit Model 1 Must = 1
E_D_TOV Resolution 0 Not checked. Not valid for loop operation.
Multicast 0 Not checked
Broadcast 0 Not checked
Hunt Groups 0 Not checked
Dedicated Simplex 0 Not checked
Dynamic Half Duplex 0 Not checked
Payload Length 0 Not checked