250 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D
12.16.1 Persistent Reserve In parameter data for read keys
The format for the parameter data provided in response to a Persistent Reserve In command with the Read
Keys service action is shown in Table 163.
Field definitions (listed alphabetically)
Additional Length
This field contains the number of bytes in the reservation key list. If the allocation length specified by the Persistent Reserve
In command is not sufficient to contain the entire parameter list, only the bytes from 0 to the maximum allowed Allocation
length are sent to the application client. The remaining incremental bytes are truncated, although the Additional length field
will still contain the actual number of bytes in the reservation key list without consideration of any truncation resulting from
an insufficient Allocation length (this is not considered an error).
The Generation field is a 32-bit counter maintained by the device server. It is incremented every time a Persistent Reserve
Out command requests the following service actions:
• Clear
• Preempt
• Preempt and Abort
The counter is not incremented by the following commands:
• Persistent Reserve In command
• Persistent Reserve Out command that performs a Reserve or Release service action
• Persistent Reserve Out command that is not performed due to an error or reservation conflict
Note. The Generation value is set to 0 as part of the power on reset process regardless of the APTPL bit value.
Reservation keys (first through last)
The Reservation key list contains all the 8-byte reservation keys for all initiators that have registered with the device server
through all ports with the device server.
Table 163: Persistent Reserve In parameter data for read keys
0 (MSB)
3 (LSB)
4 (MSB)
Additional Length (n - 7)
7 (LSB)
Reservation key list
8 (MSB)
First reservation key
15 (LSB)
(MSB) .
n - 7
Last reservation key