234 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D
the test. Device servers supporting Self-Test Code field values other than 000b for the Send Diagnostic command (see
Section 12.47) support the Extended Self-Test Completion Time field.
GLTSD (Global Logging Target Save Disable)
0 The target provides a target-defined method for saving log parameters (Logged to disk).
1 Either the target has disabled the target-defined method for saving log parameters or, when set by the initiator,
specifies that the target-defined method will be disabled.
Page Code
0Ah Control Mode page code.
Page Length
0Ah The length of the Control Mode page (in bytes). If the allocation length is too small to transfer all of the page, the
page length is not adjusted to reflect the truncation.
PS (Parameter Savable)
This bit is not used with the Mode Select command.
1 Page 0Ah parameter data is savable in nonvolatile memory.
QErr (Queue Error Management)
0 Commands still queued after the device has entered an auto contingent allegiance condition continue execution in a
normal manner when that condition has terminated.
1 Commands still queued after the device has entered an auto contingent allegiance condition will be aborted when
that condition has terminated. A unit attention condition is created for each initiator that had commands in the
queue, but not for the initiator detecting the original error.
Queue Algorithm Modifier
Specifies restrictions on the algorithm used for reordering commands that are tagged with the Simple Queue Tag message.
0h Guarantee data integrity. The device must order the actual execution sequence of the queued command such that
data integrity is guaranteed at any time. This requires that, if the data transmission of a command was halted at any
time, the final value of all data must have exactly the same value it would have had if the command had been exe-
cuted without queuing. The guaranteed data integrity value (0h) of the queue algorithm modifier bits is the usual
default value.
1h Unrestricted reordering allowed. The device is allowed to order the actual execution sequence of the queued com-
mands in any manner it selects. Any data integrity problems related to command sequence ordering are explicitly
handled by the host operating system software.
2h–7h Reserved.
08h–FhVendor specific.
RAC (Report A Check)
Not used at this time.
RLEC (Report Log Exception Condition)
1 The drive reports log exception conditions.
0 The drive does not report log exception conditions.
SWP (Software Write Protect)
0 The medium is write enabled.
1 The medium is write protected.
This bit is not changeable.