20 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D
Offline (OLS)
Offline is transmitted to indicate that the port is initiating the initialization protocol prior to going offline. The
sequence will be transmitted for a minimum of 5 msec before further action is taken.
Not_Operational (NOS)
Not_Operational is transmitted to indicate that the port has detected a loop failure or is offline.
Link_Reset (LR)
Link_Reset is transmitted by a port to initiate the Link Reset protocol following a Link Timeout. This brings the
port back to a stable synchronized state.
Link_Reset_Response (LRR)
Link_Reset_Response is transmitted to indicate that the port is receiving and recognizes the Link_Reset (LR)
primitive sequence. Primitive sequences custom made for Arbitrated Loop topologies
There are eight primitive sequences used exclusively within arbitrated loop (FC-AL) topologies. These primi-
tives are listed in Table 7 and defined in text following the table.
Table 6: Primitive sequences
Primitive sequences Sequence
disparity Ordered set (FC-1) Ordered set (hex)
Offline OLS Negative K28.5 D21.1 D10.4 D21.2 BC 35 8A 55
Not_Operational NOS Negative K28.5 D21.2 D31.5 D5.2 BC 55 BF 45
Link_Reset LR Negative K28.5 D9.2 D31.5 D9.2 BC 49 BF 49
Link_Reset_Response LRR Negative K28.5 D21.1 D31.5 D9.2 BC 35 BF 49
Table 7: FC-AL primitive sequences
FC-AL primitive sequence Sequence
Ordered set (FC-1)
Ordered set (hex)
Loop initialization,
no valid AL_PA
LIP Negative K28.5 D21.0 D23.7 D23.7 BC 15 F7 F7
Loop initialization,
loop failure, no valid AL_PA
LIP Negative K28.5 D21.0 D24.7 D23.7 BC 15 F8 F7
Loop initialization,
valid AL_PA
LIP Negative K28.5 D21.0 D23.7 AL_PS BC 15 F7 AL_PS
Loop initialization,
loop failure, valid AL_PA
LIP Negative K28.5 D21.0 D24.7 AL_PS BC 15 F8 AL_PS
Loop initialization reset LIP Negative K28.5 D21.0 AL_PD AL_PS BC 15 AL_PD AL_PS
Loop initialization reset all LIP Negative K28.5 D21.0 D31.7 AL_PS BC 15 FF AL_PS
Loop port enable LPEyx Negative K28.5 D5.0 AL_PD AL_PS BC 05 AL_PD AL_PS
Loop port enable all LPEfx Negative K28.5 D5.0 D31.7 AL_PS BC 05 FF AL_PS
Loop port bypass LPByx Negative K28.5 D9.0 AL_PD AL_PS BC 09 AL_PD AL_PS
Loop port bypass all LPBfx Negative K28.5 D9.0 D31.7 AL_PS BC 09 FF AL_PS