Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
DATE "2006-01-
specifies that the d ate is set to January 24, 2006.
DATE? might return :DATE 2006-01-24 indicating the current date is set to
January 24, 20
Allows you to specify a command or a list of commands that execute when the
oscilloscope receives a *TRG command or the GET IEEE488.2 interface message.
Define Device Trigger (*DDT) is a special alias that the *TRG command uses.
*DDT {< Block>|<QString >}
Related Commands
<Block> is a complete sequence of program messages. The messages can contain
only valid commands that must be separated by semicolons and must follow all
rules for concatenating commands. The sequence must be less than or equal to 80
characters. The format of this argument is always returned as a query.
<QString> is a complete sequence of program messages. The messages c an
contain only valid commands that must be separated by semicolons and must
follow all rules for concatenating commands. The sequence must be less than or
equal to 80 characters.
*DDT #OACQUIRE:STATE RUN specifies that the acquisition system will be
started each time a *TRG command is sent.
Sets or returns the bits in the Device Event Status Enable Register (DESER). The
DESER is the mask that determines whether events are reported to the Standard
Event S tatus Register (SESR), and entered into the Event Queue. For a detailed
discussion of the use of these re gisters, see Registers.
Status and Error
2-152 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual