Command Groups
Table 2-34: Waveform Transfer Commands (cont.)
Sets or returns the vertical offset of the
incoming waveform
WFMOutpre? Returns the wave form formatting data for the
waveform specified by the DATA:SOURCE
WFMOutpre:BIT_Nr Sets or returns the number of bits per
waveform point that outgoing waveforms
WFMOutpre:BN_Fmt Sets or returns the format of binary data for
the outgoing waveform
WFMOutpre:BYT_Nr Sets or returns the data width for the
outgoing waveform
WFMOutpre:BYT_Or Sets or returns the byte order of waveform
points for the outgoing waveform
WFMOutpre:ENCdg Sets or returns the type of encoding for
outgoing waveforms
WFMOutpre:FRACTional? This query always returns a 0i f the waveform
specified by DATA:SOUrce is on or displayed
WFMOutpre:NR_Pt? Returns the number of points for the
waveform transmitted in response to a
CURVe? query
WFMOutpre:PT_Fmt? Returns the point format for the outgoing
WFMOutpre:PT_Off? This query always returns a 0 if the waveform
specified by DATA:SOUrce is on or displayed
This query always returns LINEAR
Returns a string describing the acquisition
parameters for the outgoing waveform
WFMOutpre:XINcr? Returns the horizontal sampling interval for
the outgoing waveform
WFMOutpre:XUNit? Returns the horizontal units for the outgoing
WFMOutpre:XZEro? Returns the tim e of the first point in the
outgoing waveform
WFMOutpre:YMUlt? Returns the vertical scale factor per digitizing
level for the outgoing waveform
Returns the verti cal position in digiti zing
levels for the outgoing waveform
WFMOutpre:YUNit? Returns the vertical units for the outgoing
WFMOutpre:YZEro? Returns the vertical offset for the outgoing
2-66 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual