Command Groups
This manual lists the MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series IEEE488.2 commands
in two ways. First, it presents them by functional groups. Then, it lists them
lly. The functional group list starts below. The alphabetical list
provides detail on each command. (See p age 2-69, Commands Listed in
Alphabetical Order.)
Acquisition Command Group
Use the commands in the Acquisition Command Group to set up the modes and
functions that control how the oscilloscope acquires signals input to the channels,
and processes them into waveforms.
Using the commands in this group, you can do the following:
Start and stop acquisitions.
Control whether each waveform is simply acquired, averaged, or enveloped
over successive acquisitions of that waveform.
Set the controls or conditions that start and stop acquisitions.
ol acquisition of channel waveforms.
Set acquisition parameters.
e 2-13: Acquisition Commands
Command Description
urns acquisition parameters
ACQuire:MAGnivu Sets or returns the MagniVu feature
turns the maximum real-time sample rate
ACQuire:MODe Sets or returns the acquisition mode
ACQuire:NUMACq? Returns number of acquisitions that have
ACQuire:NUMAVg Sets or returns the numberof acquisitions for
an averaged waveform
ACQuire:STATE Starts or stops the acquisition system
ACQuire:STOPAfter Sets or returns whether the acquisition is
continuous or single sequence
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-11