Command Groups
Table 2-32: Vertical Commands (cont.)
Command Description
Sets or returns the specified reference
waveform label
Sets or returns the vertical position for
reference channel <x>
REF<x>:TIMe? Returns the time that a reference waveform
was stored
REF<x>:VERTical:POSition Sets or returns the vertical position of the
specified reference waveform
REF<x>:VERTical:SCAle Sets or returns the reference w aveform
vertical scale in vertical units/div
SELect Returns information on which waveforms are
on or off and which waveform is selected.
SELect:BUS<x> Turnsonoroffthespecified bus waveform
or returns whether the specified bus channel
is on or off
SELect:CH<x> Turns on or off the specified waveform or
returns whether the specified channel is on
or off
SELect:CONTROl Sets or returns the waveform that is selected
as the implied recipient of channel-related
SELect:D<x> Turns on the display of digital channel <x>
and resets the acquisition
SELect:MATH[1] Turns on or off the math waveform or returns
whether the math waveform is on or off
SELect:REF<x> Turns on o r off the specified reference
waveform or returns whether the specified
reference waveform is on or off
Waveform Transfer Command Group
Use the commands in the Waveform Tra nsfer Command Group to transfer
waveform data points to and from the oscilloscope. Waveform data points are a
collection of values that define a waveform. One data v alue usually represents
one data point in the waveform record. When working with envelope waveforms,
each data value is either the minimum or maximum of a min/max pair.
Before you transfer waveform data, you must specify the data format, record
length, and waveform source or destination.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-61