Command Groups
Table 2-25: Measurement Commands (cont.)
Displays the measurement snapshot list
MEASUrement:STATIstics Clears or returns all of the statistics
accumulated for all period measurements
(MEAS1 through MEAS4)
MEASUrement:STATIstics:MODE Turns measurement statistics on or off
MEASUrement:STATIstics:WEIghting Controls the responsiveness of the mean
and standard deviation to waveform changes
Miscellaneous Command Group
Use the commands in the Miscellaneous Command G roup to perform actions that
do not fit into o ther categories.
Several commands and queries are common to all 488.2-1987 devices. The
488.2-1987 standard defines these commands. The common commands begin
with an asterisk (*) character.
Table 2-26: Miscellaneous Commands
AUTOSet Sets the vertical, horizontal and trigger
controls to provide a stable display of the
appropriate waveform. This is equivalent to
pressing the front panel Autoset button
AUTOSet:ENAble Enables or disables the autoset feature
CLEARMenu Clears the current menu from the display
Sets or returns the date displayed by the
*DDT Sets or returns the commands that will be
executed by the group execute trigger
DESkew Causes the deskew values for all channels
to be set to the recommended values
DESkew:DISPlay Sets or returns the state of the deskew table
FPAnel:PRESS Simulates the action of pressing a specified
front-panel button
Duplicates the action of turning a specified
front-panel control knob
GPIBUsb:ADDress? Returns the current GPIB address
GPIBUsb:ID? Returns the identification string of the
connected adaptor module and firmware
2-30 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual