Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
OFF sets the Ver
bose state to false, which returns minimum-length keywords
for applicable setting queries.
ON sets the Verbose state to true, which returns full-length keywords for applicable
setting queries.
<NR1> a 0 returns minimum-length keywords for applicable setting queries; any
other value returns full-length keywords.
VERBOSE ON enables the Verbose state.
VERBOSE ? might return :VERB 0 indicating that the Verbose state is disabled.
*WAI (No Query Form)
Prevents the oscilloscope from e xecuting further commands or queries until all
pending commands that generate an OPC message are complete. This command
allows you to synchronize the operation of the oscilloscope with your application
program.(See page 3-7, Synchronization Methods.)
Status and Error
Related Commands
*WAI prevents the o scilloscope from executing any further commands or queries
until all pending c ommands that generate an OPC message are complete.
WAVFrm? (Query Only)
Returns WFMOutpre? a nd CURVe? data for the waveform as specified by
the DATA:SOUrce command. This command is equivalent to sending both
WFMOutpre? and CURVe?, with the additio nal provision that the response to
WAVFrm? is guaranteed to provide a synchronized preamble and curve. The
source waveform, as specified by :DATA:SOURCE, must be a ctive or the query
will not return any data and will generate an error indicator.
Waveform Transfer
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-477