Command Groups
Table 2-28: Power Commands (cont.)
Command Description
POWer:RIPPle:RESults:MAX? Returns the maximum of the peak-to-peak
ripple measurements
POWer:RIPPle:RESults:MEAN? Returns the mean of the peak-to-peak ripple
POWer:RIPPle:RESults:MIN? Returns the minimum of the peak-to-peak
ripple measurement
POWer:RIPPle:RESults:STDdev? Returns the standard deviation of the
peak-to-peak ripple measurements
POWer:RIPPle:SOUrce Sets or returns the source waveform for
ripple tests
POWer:SOA:LINear:XMAX Sets or returns the user XMAX value for use
in linear SOA c alculations
POWer:SOA:LINear:XMIN Sets or returns the user XMIN value for use
in linear SOA c alculations
POWer:SOA:LINear:YMAX Sets or returns the user YMAX value for use
in linear SOA c alculations
POWer:SOA:LINear:YMIN Sets or returns the user YMIN value for use
in linear SOA c alculations
POWer:SOA:LOG:XMAX Sets or returns the user XMAX value for use
in log SOA calculations
POWer:SOA:LOG:XMIN Sets or returns the user X MIN value for use
in log SOA calculations
POWer:SOA:LOG:YMAX Sets or returns the user YMAX value for use
in log SOA calculations
POWer:SOA:LOG:YMIN Sets or returns the user Y MIN value for use
in log SOA calculations
POWer:SOA:MASK:DEFine Sets or returns the X (Volts) and Y (Amps)
coordinates of the current SOA mask
POWer:SOA:MASK:MAXAmps Sets or returns the maximum current applied
to SOA mask testing
POWer:SOA:MASK:MAXVolts Sets or returns the maximum voltage applied
to SOA mask testing
POWer:SOA:MASK:MAXWatts Sets or returns the maximum power applied
to SOA mask testing
POWer:SOA:MASK:NR_PT? Returns the number of mask points defined
POWer:SOA:MASK:STATe Sets or returns the state of the mask for SOA
POWer:SOA:MASK:STOPOnviol Sets or returns the enabled state of the mask
stop on violation condition
POWer:SOA:PLOTTYPe Sets or returns the SOA plot type
POWer:SOA:RESult:FAILures:QTY? Returns the number of failures in the test
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-37