Using a Password
Entering the Password
Once you install the password, you will see the following message every time you start up
the computer:
Enter Password:
Type your password in uppercase or lowercase letters and press the Enter key.
q If you type the correct password, the screen clears and the system begins
to load.
q If you type the wrong password, the message 'Wrong Password"
displays, and you are prompted to enter the password again. You have
three chances to enter the correct password. If you enter the wrong
password three times, the system locks and the computer starts beeping.
If this happens, turn off the computer, wait 5 seconds, and turn it on
again. This time, you have only one chance to enter the correct
password before the system locks.
q If you enter the correct password after several incorrect passwords, the
following message displays:
Enter Password: * * * * *
Previous invalid password attempts = q
Press any key to continue
This message shows how many times (up to three) the computer has
been turned off and on to attempt to enter the password since you last
entered the correct password.
Once you enter the correct password, you again have three chances to
enter the password at the next system start-up.
5-14 Installing and Using Application Programs