Conserving Battery Power
Typical Power Consumption
The following table summarizes approximate power consumption using various computer
power-saving features, manual and automatic.
Power-Saving Modes Power Consumption
Typical Power Consumption
Operating Mode
Manual Standby* with DOS background tasks 4 - 6 watts
Manual Standby* with no background tasks 3.5 - 4 watts
Auto Suspendt with DOS background tasks 3.5 - 5 watts
Auto Suspendt with Windows background tasks 3 - 5 watts
Auto Suspendt without background tasks 3.2 - 3.5 watts
Cover Closed Suspend mode 3 - 3.2 watts
Operation with hard disk access# 9 - 10 watts
Operation with no hard disk access# 8 - 9 watts
Operation with LCD off 4.5 - 6.5 watts
Setup Program LCD Power set to Low 0.5 watts
LCD brightness, minimum to maximum 1. 5 - 3.5 watts
Typical full-charge battery capacity 22 - 24 watts
Maximum power consumption, all options 17.5 watts
* Press Fn-F4 (Stndby) keys to enter manual Standby mode.
dag Select Auto Suspend under the Setup Program's Power Savings category.
++ Add 3 to 3.5 watts if BatteryPro is not activated (level 0).
Taking Care of Your Computer 7-5