Guidelines for Installing Applications
Your TravelMate 3000 WinSX Notebook Computer is fully compatible with IBM AT
computers. All application programs written to execute on AT computers will execute on
the TravelMate 3000 WinSX, and you can install the programs in much the same way on
the TravelMate 3000 WinSX. However, as with most computers, you must consider the
characteristics of the TravelMate 3000 WinSX before you install application programs.
Installation Considerations
The following configuration items will influence how you in l stall application programs
into your TravelMate 3000 WinSX (or any computer).
The Texas Instruments TravelMate 3000 WinSX has an 80column by 25-line display with
640-by-480 (VGA) resolution and four other lower-resolution displays. When installing
an application program, select the highest-resolution monitor configuration that both the
program and the TravelMate 3000 WinSX can support.
The TravelMate 3000 WinSX keyboard emulates all functions of an IBM AT- 1 0 1
enhanced keyboard. When installing an application program, select the IBM 101 or AT-
enhanced keyboard configuration.
Communication Ports
The serial port is Port 1, and the optional Internal Modem, if installed, is Port 2. When
installing an application program requiring communication support, select Port 1 or Port
2, as appropriate.
5-2 Installing and Using Application Programs