Other Options
Expansion Station
The Expansion Station option is designed to support thirdparty circuit boards and
input\output devices such as tape backup drives, high capacity disk drives, and CD-ROM
drives. The chassis provides three bays and three full-size AT slots plus a PS/2-
compatible 101 -key keyboard connector. The Expansion Station connects to the
expansion port at the rear of the TravelMate 3000-series Computers.
Texas Instruments makes a variety of laser and impact printers you can use with your
TravelMate 3000 WinSX. And you can connect almost any parallel printer to the 25pin
parallel port or a serial printer to the nine-pin RS-232C serial port. Both ports are located
on the left side panel of the TravelMate 3000 WinSX case.
To use a serial printer, load the Setup Program as described in Chapter 4 and set the
Standard Comm category to match your serial printer. Then connect the printer to the
serial port on the left side panel of the TravelMate 3000 WinSX case.
The TravelPoint pointing device (described in Chapter 3) is furnished with your new
TravelMate 3000 WinSX. You also may be able to use some other mouse-type devices
with the computer. Be sure to add a mouse device driver line to your CONFIG.SYS file,
or include a TSR (terminate and stay resident) mouse program (such as TIMOUSE.COM)
in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. See the documentation furnished with your mouse for
Also set the TravelPoint item on Page 3 of the TravelMate 3000 WinSX Setup Program to
On; see Chapter 4 for details.
6-16 TravelMate 3000 WinSX Options