Error Messages
Power-up self-tests are the system tests and component initialization processes performed
by the TravelMate 3000 WinSX AT-compatible ROM BIOS.The self-tests first initialize
and test the central hardware. The central hardware must function properly before further
system tests can be run. In general, a failure in a test of the system board or its
components halts the test and causes a beep. A failure in optional boards or memory is
reported on the screen. The tests display two types of messages if the TravelMate 3000
WinSX fails one of the power-up tests:
q Error messages indicating a failure in the hardware, software, or
q Informational messages about the power-up and booting processes
Power-Up Self Test Error Messages
The following error messages list possible causes and solutions. Error messages not listed
indicate hardware problems that can be corrected only by internal checks. Write out the
error message and contact your Texas Instruments reseller, or you can telephone or fax
Texas Instruments at one of the numbers listed on the page near the end of this manual
titled "Getting Help for Your Computer".
Diskette drive 0 failure Drive A failed - Run the
DIAG program to check drive
A as described in Appendix D.
Diskette read failure - Floppy notformatted or defec-
press F1 to retry boot tive -Try another formatted
or known good floppy.
E-6 Troubleshooting