Special functions do Application program overrid-
not work (Setup, Alt- ing computer BIOS interrupts
Ctrl-Esc, speed control - Contact your application
keys) program provider.
The unit starts up but TravelMate 3000 WinSX
a message indicates hardware-Turn the unit off,
that a power-up test wait 5 seconds, then turn
has failed. unit on again. If the same
message appears, check
against the list of power-up
error messages in the next
section and, if necessary,
make a note of the message
and contact your Texas In-
struments reseller.
Setup Program setting--Check
the settings on the Setup Pro-
gram (see Chapter 4).
Embedded numeric Embedded numeric keypad
keypad does not work. is automatically disabled
when the optional Numeric
Keypad is installed.
Optional Numeric Check thumb screw and con-
Keypad does not work. nectors for good fit, then
reboot the computer.
Amber indicator on No internal battery pack is
the AC Adapter does installed or battery pack is
not come on, but fully charged.
green indicator is on.
Green indicator on AC No ac power--Check wall out-
Adapter does not come let, plugs, and AC Adapter
on. connectors.
E-4 Troubleshooting