User Features, Page 2
Note: Although turning off the hard disk when not in use conserves battery charge life,
you may note slower disk access times because the computer must wait for the disk motor
to reach operating speed before accessing data.
Default CPU Speed
This item specifies the CPU speed used when the computer boots. The default setting is
High. The Low setting corresponds to 5 MHz CPU speed, Medium to 10 MHz, and High
to 20 MHz. The lower speeds increase battery charge life but may slow processing of
some application programs.
The Auto setting adjusts the computer to operate as follows.
q When operated on ac power, the computer sets the CPU speed to 20
MHz when it powers up.
q When operated on battery power, the computer sets the CPU speed to 10
MHz when it powers up.
Note: CPU speed always reverts to 5 MHz when the computer accesses the floppy
You also can change CPU speed while the computer is running by using the SPEED
Utility (described in your BatteryPro & Productivity Software User's Manual) at the MS-
DOS prompt. And you can use the speed keys: Ctrl-Alt-uu and Ctrl-Alt-dd that set CPU
speed higher and lower, respectively, or you can use the Turbo key (Fn-F5) to change
CPU speed to 20 MHz. The SPEED utility and the speed keys all override the Auto
setting described above.
LCD Power
This item specifies the sharpness of, and power used by, theLCD screen. The default
setting is Medium.
Customizing Your Computer 4-15