Reelmaster 7000 Hydraulic SystemPage 4 -- 85
NOTE: The ports on the manifold are marked for easy
identification of components (e.g. P1 is a piston pump
connection port and SV is the location for the solenoid
valve). See Hydraulic Schematic inChapter 9 -- Foldout
Drawings to identify the function of the hydraulic lines
and cartridge valves at each port.
NOTE: The 4WD/2WD control manifold uses several
zero leak plugs. These plugs have a tapered sealing
surface on the plug head thatis designed to resist vibra-
tion induced plug loosening. The zero leak plugs also
havean O--ringas asecondary seal.If zeroleak plugre-
moval is necessary,lightly rapthe plughead using apin
punch and hammer before using an allen wrench to re-
move the plug: the impact w ill allow plug removal with
less chance of damage to the head of the plug.
For cartridge valve service procedures, see Control
Manifold Cartridge Valve Service in this section. Refer
to Figure 62 for 4WD/2WD Control Manifold cartridge
valve and plug installation torque.
IMPORTANT: A flow control orifice (item 3) is lo-
cated beneath the plug in 4WD/2WD control man-
ifold ports OR1 a nd OR2. If an orifice is removed
from these manifold ports, make sure to label its
position for assembly purposes. When installing
the orifice inthe manifold, make surethat the orifice
is properly tightened in the port.
IMPORTANT: An orifice disc (item 4) is located be-
neaththe4WD/2WDcontrolmanifold solenoidvalve
(SV). If this valve is removed from the manifold,
make sure to remove orifice and label its position
for assembly purposes. When installing the orifice
in the manifold, make sure that the orifice is flat in
the base of the port.