Reelmaster 7000Page 5 -- 16Electrical System
Cutting Unit Position Sensor
The cutting unitposition sensor is a normally open prox-
imity sensor that is located on the front carrier frame
(Fig. 13). The sensing plate that closes the sensor is a
gusset on the front right cutting unit (#5) lift arm.
When the cutting unitsare lowered, the gusset on thelift
arm is located near the position sensor and the sensor
closes.Thisclosed sensorprovidesan inputfortheTEC
controller to allow the lowered cutting units to operate.
The gap between the cutting unit position sensor and
the liftarm gussetshould be 0.063”(1.6 mm).If distance
is incorrect, loosen jam nuts that secure position sensor
to bracket. Adjust sensor location with jam nuts to allow
correct gap between sensor and lift arm gusset. Jam
nuts should be torqued from 162 to 198 in--lb (18.4 to
22.4 N--m). After jam nuts are tightened, make sure that
gap has not changed.
The vertical location of the cutting unit position sensor
on the sensor bracket will determine the turn--around
position of the cutting units. Raising the sensor on the
bracket will allow a higher turn--around position of the
cutting units. Lowering the sensor on the bracket will al-
low a lower turn--around position of the cutting units.
After adjustment to the position sensor, use the Diag-
nostic Display (see Special Tools in this chapter) to
verify that cutting unit position sensor and circuit wiring
are functioning correctly(see Cutting Unit PositionSen-
sor in the Component Testing section of this chapter).
1. Position sensor
2. #5 lift arm
3. Gap
Figure 13
1. Position sensor
2. Sensor bracket
3. Screw (2 used)
4. Jam nut (2 used)
5. Lock washer (2 used)
6. Front carrier frame
Figure 14
LED location